Salt is salt, right? NOT!! Cole and Mason Pink Himalayan Salt is the perfect salt! I have been using Cole and Mason Gourmet Peppercorn Blend for about 5 years. I purchased a Cole and Mason electric salt and pepper grinder set around 5 years ago and it came with 1 10 oz jar filled with Cole and Mason pink Himalayan salt and 1 10 oz jar filled with their Gourmet Peppercorn Blend. Unbeknownst to me, I was in for an unexpected education! The perfect amount of salty and a dash of sweet. Who knew that salt could have a hint of sweet to it. It’s a minuscule amount but it’s there! I am so impressed with Cole and Mason and I hope they never stop supplying their Pink Himalayan Salt or their Gourmet Peppercorn Blend. It would devastate me!!